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  1. Tea Time JNL by Jeff Levine, $29.00
    Tea Time JNL was inspired by the hand lettering on the 1931 sheet music for "When I Take My Sugar to Tea".
  2. Times Ten Paneuropean by Linotype, $92.99
    In 1931, The Times of London commissioned a new text type design from Stanley Morison and the Monotype Corporation, after Morison had written an article criticizing The Times for being badly printed and typographically behind the times. The new design was supervised by Stanley Morison and drawn by Victor Lardent, an artist from the advertising department of The Times. Morison used an older typeface, Plantin, as the basis for his design, but made revisions for legibility and economy of space (always important concerns for newspapers). As the old type used by the newspaper had been called Times Old Roman," Morison's revision became "Times New Roman." The Times of London debuted the new typeface in October 1932, and after one year the design was released for commercial sale. The Linotype version, called simply "Times," was optimized for line-casting technology, though the differences in the basic design are subtle. The typeface was very successful for the Times of London, which used a higher grade of newsprint than most newspapers. The better, whiter paper enhanced the new typeface's high degree of contrast and sharp serifs, and created a sparkling, modern look. In 1972, Walter Tracy designed Times Europa for The Times of London. This was a sturdier version, and it was needed to hold up to the newest demands of newspaper printing: faster presses and cheaper paper. In the United States, the Times font family has enjoyed popularity as a magazine and book type since the 1940s. Times continues to be very popular around the world because of its versatility and readability. And because it is a standard font on most computers and digital printers, it has become universally familiar as the office workhorse. Times™, Times™ Europa, and Times New Roman™ are sure bets for proposals, annual reports, office correspondence, magazines, and newspapers. Linotype offers many versions of this font: Times™ is the universal version of Times, used formerly as the matrices for the Linotype hot metal line-casting machines. The basic four weights of roman, italic, bold and bold italic are standard fonts on most printers. There are also small caps, Old style Figures, phonetic characters, and Central European characters. Times™ Ten is the version specially designed for smaller text (12 point and below); its characters are wider and the hairlines are a little stronger. Times Ten has many weights for Latin typography, as well as several weights for Central European, Cyrillic, and Greek typesetting. Times™ Eighteen is the headline version, ideal for point sizes of 18 and larger. The characters are subtly condensed and the hairlines are finer. Times™ Europa is the Walter Tracy re-design of 1972, its sturdier characters and open counterspaces maintain readability in rougher printing conditions. Times New Roman™ is the historic font version first drawn by Victor Lardent and Stanley Morison for the Monotype hot metal caster."
  3. Crimes Times Six by JSH creates, $39.95
    Crimes Times Six is a cool horror font, originally created with a chalk stick back in 2012, by Jonathan S Harris. The typeface design works very well in video games, movies and broadcasting, but also looks great on clothing and posters.
  4. Time To Play by Vozzy, $10.00
    Introducing vintage label font named Time To Play. This font has a wide languages support with west european and cyrillic characters (check out all available characters on previews). The font family has four styles: Base, Grunge, Volume and Texture. All styles have the same metrics and kerning. This font will look good on any vintage styled designs like a poster, T-shirt, label, logo, etc.
  5. MC Magic Time by Maulana Creative, $14.00
    Magic Time is a classic display serif font. With medium low contrast stroke, fun character with a bit of ligatures and alternates. To give you an extra creative work. Magic Time font support multilingual more than 100+ language. This font is good for logo design, Social media, Movie Titles, Books Titles, a short text even a long text letter and good for your secondary text font with script or serif. Make a stunning work with Magic Time font. Cheers, Maulana Creative
  6. Times Kangaroo Down by Elemeno, $25.00
  7. Third Time Lucky by Hanoded, $15.00
    We’re in the process of buying a house. Our first bid was rejected, our second bid as well. Our third (and final) bid was accepted (yay!), so, for us, the old ‘third time lucky’ quote rings true! Third Time Lucky is a set of three distinct handmade fonts, each with its own italic. Use this wonderful set for your books, your packaging or even your ‘house for sale’ signs.
  8. Times New Roman by Monotype, $67.99
    In 1931, The Times of London commissioned a new text type design from Stanley Morison and the Monotype Corporation, after Morison had written an article criticizing The Times for being badly printed and typographically behind the times. The new design was supervised by Stanley Morison and drawn by Victor Lardent, an artist from the advertising department of The Times. Morison used an older typeface, Plantin, as the basis for his design, but made revisions for legibility and economy of space (always important concerns for newspapers). As the old type used by the newspaper had been called Times Old Roman," Morison's revision became "Times New Roman." The Times of London debuted the new typeface in October 1932, and after one year the design was released for commercial sale. The Linotype version, called simply "Times," was optimized for line-casting technology, though the differences in the basic design are subtle. The typeface was very successful for the Times of London, which used a higher grade of newsprint than most newspapers. The better, whiter paper enhanced the new typeface's high degree of contrast and sharp serifs, and created a sparkling, modern look. In 1972, Walter Tracy designed Times Europa for The Times of London. This was a sturdier version, and it was needed to hold up to the newest demands of newspaper printing: faster presses and cheaper paper. In the United States, the Times font family has enjoyed popularity as a magazine and book type since the 1940s. Times continues to be very popular around the world because of its versatility and readability. And because it is a standard font on most computers and digital printers, it has become universally familiar as the office workhorse. Times?, Times? Europa, and Times New Roman? are sure bets for proposals, annual reports, office correspondence, magazines, and newspapers. Linotype offers many versions of this font: Times? is the universal version of Times, used formerly as the matrices for the Linotype hot metal line-casting machines. The basic four weights of roman, italic, bold and bold italic are standard fonts on most printers. There are also small caps, Old style Figures, phonetic characters, and Central European characters. Times? Ten is the version specially designed for smaller text (12 point and below); its characters are wider and the hairlines are a little stronger. Times Ten has many weights for Latin typography, as well as several weights for Central European, Cyrillic, and Greek typesetting. Times? Eighteen is the headline version, ideal for point sizes of 18 and larger. The characters are subtly condensed and the hairlines are finer."
  9. Time Count JNL by Jeff Levine, $29.00
    On the 1966 movie poster for “Seconds”, Saul Bass designed a hand lettered title utilizing a ‘futuristic’ stencil style. This inspired the digital typeface Time Count JNL, which is available in both regular and oblique versions.
  10. The Funy Times by Gilar Studio, $16.00
    The Funy Time's Is a Joyful Display Font With 3 Style (Regular,Outline and Shadow) You Can Mix And Match for Your Awesome Project This fonts is ideal for crafting, branding and decorate your any project. This fonts are perfect for wedding invitation or your blog. Also with their help, you can create a logo or beautiful frame for your home. Or just use for your business, book covers, stationery, marketing, magazines and more. FEATURES : Uppercase & Lowercase Number & Punctuation More than 256 of glyphs Multilingual Language PUA Encode 24 Ligatures Alternate The alternative characters were divided into several Open Type features can be accessed by using Open Type savvy programs such as Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop Corel Draw X version, And Microsoft Word. And this Font has given PUA unicode (specially coded fonts). so that all the alternate characters can easily be accessed in full by a craftsman or designer. Check Out my other fonts here : gilarstudio.com
  11. Times Europa Office by Linotype, $50.99
    The Times Europa Office family is designed after the model of the original serif family produced by Walter Tracy and the Linotype Design Studio in 1974. A redesign of the classic Times New Roman typeface, Times Europa was created as its replacement for The Times of London newspaper. In contrast to Times New Roman, Times Europa has sturdier characters and more open counter spaces, which help maintain readability in rougher printing conditions. Times Europa drastically improved on the legibility of the bold and italic styles of Times New Roman. Overall, text set in Times Europa is easier to read, and quicker to digest. Akira Kobayashi, Linotype’s Type Director, brought Times Europa up to speed for the new millennium in 2006. Now optimized for office communication instead of newspaper design, Times Europa Office offers a familiar yet refreshingly new appearance for serif text. Because of The Times of London’s specific printing conditions in the early 1970s, Times Europa originally had some intentional errors built into its letterform design. These inconsistencies created an even image in newspaper text in the long run. However, these design elements bear no role on modern office communication and its needs. Kobayashi redrew these problem forms, eliminating them completely. Now Times Europa’s font weights appear clearer and easier to read than ever before.
  12. Changing Times JNL by Jeff Levine, $29.00
    Changing Times JNL was inspired by the hand lettering on the cover of the 1929 sheet music for "Wedding Bells (Are Breaking Up that Old Gang of Mine)". While the font’s name is an extremely vague reference to the subject of the song itself, it also represents the fact that the lettering style (still reflecting some Art Nouveau influence) welcomes the dawning of the Art Deco movement with the thick-and-thin line letter forms. The type design is available in both regular and oblique versions.
  13. Waste Of Time by PizzaDude.dk, $16.00
    Waste Of Time 1: The base version. Waste Of Time 2: The champagne bubble version! Waste Of Time 3: The alien version! Waste Of Time 4: The homeboy version! Waste Of Time 5: The shadow version! Waste Of Time 6: The zit version! Waste Of Time 7: The speedline version!
  14. Old Times American by Baseline Fonts, $29.00
    The Old Times American Family is derived from several letterpress books from the 1880s in the midwest. The fonts were painstakingly compiled from over 100 pages of text and optically balanced for optimum results. Old Times American is part of the Grit History Series A font set. The set encompasses serif and sans-serif fonts in varying weights to meet the needs of designers. The less-than-perfect letterforms evoke a sense of the non-digital.
  15. Island Time JNL by Jeff Levine, $29.00
    Island Time JNL is based on the hand-lettered title from a piece of 1940s sheet music called "An Island Melody". This Art Deco typeface is perfect for projects where a clean, yet attractive headline font is needed. The font's name is based on the euphamism popular amongst Caribbean Islanders that when someone is excessively late for an appointment, date or event they are running on "island time".
  16. Time In Hell by T-26, $29.00
  17. Larger Mime - Unknown license
  18. Thin Dime - Unknown license
  19. Soda Lime - Unknown license
  20. Key Lime by Kellie Jayne Studio, $10.00
    Key Lime is a sweet and friendly handmade typeface! I carefully drew and then digitally edited the characters. It is inspired heavily by children's books and toys. Key Lime is easy-going, unique, and still easy to read.
  21. Dime Museum by Solotype, $19.95
    This idea of "wrong way weights" was originally called French Clarendon by the Americans, Italienne by the French, and American by the Italians. Sounds like nobody wanted to own up to it. When it was revived by ATF in 1933, it was given the name P. T. Barnum. Many variations have appeared. Dime Museum is an old wood type.
  22. Cherry Lime by Fikryal, $15.00
    Cherry Lime is a fancy font perfect for crafting, branding, invitation, stationery, wedding designs, social media posts, advertisements, product packaging, product designs, label, photography, watermark, special events or anything. Cherry Lime with full set of uppercase letters, multilingual symbols, numerals and punctuation.
  23. Tired Sunday by Bogstav, $18.00
    Ever been tired on a Sunday? I have...and actually that was the feeling I had, when I started making this font. Nevertheless, when working on this font, my Sunday just got a whole lot better! Hope it'll make your Sunday (or any other day!) good as well! :)
  24. Fime Bonidh by Pandastock, $12.00
    Fime bonidh is bold fonts with visual elegance, smooth curves and beautiful ligatures clear, making your work look true and attractive. A very versatile font that works in both large and small sizes. This font is suitable for a wide variety of projects such as invitations, logo, branding, magazine, photography, card, product packaging, mugs, quotes, poster, label, signature and more. Font which is perfect for all business sectors including personal projects, studio, corporate, creative agency, industrial, company, etc.
  25. Maya Tiles by Aga Silva, $25.00
    Maya Tiles was designed as a set of 62 seamless, endless patterns accompanied by font map(s) and “Idea Book” to get you started on designing your own wallpapers, textiles, stained/etched/privacy glass window films, or even wooden fancy trellises - the choice is yours :) The font features simple, fancy, intricate patterns in three variants (Fill, Outlines and Stencil). - Outlines were designed with an idea of serving as an unobtrusive pattern on its own, or as a playful addition to the Fill pattern. - Fill pattern was designed to give more statement to Outlines, which in some cases may be too subtle for the job you have to be done. - Stencil has the most robust shapes. I have thrown this one in just in case you might want to do some DIY stencils. You may also use this file as a starting point for some CNC cut fancy trellis, however please do match pattern to the cutting method (ie. CNC, bolt cutter etc) and the material you intend to cut. -By overlaying Outlines & Fill (or Stencil & Fill) and manipulating those two layers you may get “more flat” or “more 3D” look. Have fun! Note: Please be aware that you may need to prepare those patterns in order to work with them in CAD-CAM or if you intend them for bolt cutter etc.
  26. Ivy Tiles by Aga Silva, $9.50
    Ivy Tiles was designed as a set of 62 seamless, endless patterns accompanied by font map(s). They well might be a base for designing your own wallpapers, textiles, glass wall opaque foil privacy screens or even wooden fancy trellises - the choice is yours :) The font features simple, fancy, intricate patterns in three variants (Fill, Outlines and Stencil). - Outlines were designed with an idea of serving as an unobtrusive pattern on its own, or as a playful addition to the Fill pattern. - Fill pattern was designed to give more statement to Outlines, which in some cases may be too subtle for the job you have to be done. - Stencil has the most robust shapes. I have thrown this one in just in case you might want to do some DIY stencils. You may also use this file as a starting point for some CNC cut fancy trellis, however please do match pattern to the cutting method (ie. CNC, bolt cutter etc.) to the pattern and the material you intend to cut. -By overlaying Outlines & Fill (or Stencil & Fill) and manipulating those two layers you may get “more flat” or “more 3D” look. Have fun! Note: Please be aware that you may need to prepare those patterns in order to work with them in CAD-CAM or if you intend them for bolt cutter etc.
  27. Cute Lime by Sipanji21, $10.00
    Cute Lime is a bold and colorful display font. Its friendly feel makes this font incredibly versatile, fitting a wide range of contexts. Add it to your creative ideas and notice how it makes them stand out!
  28. Terazza Tiling by Greater Albion Typefounders, $8.95
    Terazza Tiling was brought to mind by old-fashioned tiled fireplace surrounds. It's a system of geometric tiles intended for constructing page borders and rules. Their geometric nature makes them adaptable for any sort of period or modern look.
  29. Type Tile by Konst.ru, $19.00
    The fastest and easiest way to create original images. It is necessary to take any text and use it with Type Tile. Create pictures, patterns and backgrounds from real texts. Font can be used in various encodings and you can type texts in many languages. Type Tile supports Central European languages that use Latin script, (Polish, Czech, Slovak, Hungarian, Slovene, Serbian, Croatian, Romanian and Albanian), Cyrillic alphabets, Western languages, Greek, Turkish, Hebrew, Arabic, Baltic languages, Vietnamese, Thai and Japanese. You can make the background from the original text for the page on which can print the translated text. This symbiosis can create a feeling of presence in the original text. Decorate the packaging in which the text is written in the form of ornament. Several layers of the texts with Type Tile shows an incredible pictures. Use a pair of letters can give a regular pattern. Type Tile provides endless and fantastic opportunities for design on any surfaces and for different purposes in publish, fashion, textiles, industry, animation, Internet and so on.
  30. Pinky Dime by Aisyah, $12.00
    Pinky Dime Handwriting Font is a cute and playful typeface that mimics the look of handwritten notes. It features slightly slanted characters with thin strokes, giving a casual and informal vibe to any design project. This font is perfect for greeting cards, invitations, logos, and other creative projects that require a personal touch.
  31. Easy Tiles by Intellecta Design, $21.00
    A nice mix of 62 decorative tile images. Designs are reminiscent of rubber stamps of architectural tiles found in historical homes and other buildings through the ages and printed devices from old catalogues. Generic enough to add interesting detail to just about any design. From invitations and greeting cards to book jackets, labels or fabric.
  32. Dime Store by Breauhare, $35.00
    Dime Store is a font inspired by childhood memories of dime stores in downtowns and shopping malls in the 1970s. The font was tweaked and digitized by Bob Alonso, who also digitized Breauhare’s Cooper Goodtime font. Dime Store is a cool, hip, nostalgic way of creating a decorative display, and at times it seems to have a slightly futuristic look, too.
  33. Text Tile by Tetradtype, $25.00
    TextTile is a system of heavy sans titling faces which can be utilized to carry a repeating chromatic pattern across words and letters. It stands apart from other chromatic faces, where layered effects typically interact only within each letter and do not carry through from one letter to another. The pattern repetition across letters of varying widths is achieved through OpenType substitution, using conditional alternates for each successive letter to allow for a seamless appearance across words, regardless of letter combinations. Though the pattern exists on a strict grid and the letters' widths and spacing must be highly regular in order to preserve the pattern repeat, the letterforms themselves are not rigid; rather, they appear organic, lively. The initial release includes patterns inspired by a classic buffalo plaid, separated into its horizontal and vertical components to maximize the creative possibilities for layering one-, two-, three-, and even four-color plaid patterns. Kits are available to produce the plaid pattern in detail—with overlapping diagonal hatching fully visible—or as a simplified version in which transparency can be used to simulate plaid or to create a checkered or striped effect. The TextTile family of fonts is a flexible canvas for mixing and matching a broad array of patterns to create a unique look. Check back for more pattern releases and take a look at the online specimen to see what is possible with the current offerings. Usage Notes For best results use an OpenType aware program. Enabling Contextual Alternates will ensure pattern alignment. For patterns that are made up of vertical stripes or columns using the Stylistic Alternate/Stylistic Set 1 will shift the columns. Stylistic Set 2 will change 1-0 into blocks of patterns.
  34. Zesty Lime by Hanoded, $15.00
    Zesty Lime is a condensed typeface, hand made with a small brush and China ink. Zesty would look good on book covers, posters and packaging - but I guess you're not limited to those three options. Just enjoy! Comes with a generous squeeze of diacritics.
  35. Soft Lime by PizzaDude.dk, $10.00
    Soft Lime is my simple, yet powerful typeface. It definitely fits in the comic department, but is very useful for posters, postcards (do anybody use these anymore?!) greeting cards and anything that needs a legible handmade typeface. It comes in several versions, that can be mixed for great results - and of course they all have multilingual support!
  36. Roasted lime by Gassstype, $27.00
    Roasted Lime is a Cartoon Display Font with alot of ligature. it will make your designs look modern, unique and fun. It’s perfect for labels, quotes, posters, DIY projects, branding, packaging, greeting cards, websites, photos, photography overlays, signs, window art, scrapbooking, tags and so much more!
  37. Pickled Limes by Missy Meyer, $15.00
    It all started with the letter S. I drew it, I liked it, I based a font around it! This is Pickled Limes, a tall and narrow single-case font. It's built clean from the ground up, for ultra-sharp lines and corners, as well as super-smooth curves. The slightly flared ends and quirky character mix make this font a ton of fun to use on its own, but it will also pair well with tons of hand-written styles! I've branched out on this one; in addition to over 300 Extended Latin characters, I've also included Unicode's 256 Cyrillic and 121 Greek characters for even more language support. Add in the 90+ alternates, ligatures, and catchwords, and Pickled Limes clocks in at just over 1000 characters. I hope you enjoy using my tasty Pickled Limes for your branding project, logo, crafting work, or design project. Happy fonting, MyFonts fans! :)
  38. No Liming by chicken, $17.00
    A chunky, laid-back typeface inspired by a hand-painted notice on the doors of a mechanic's workshop in Plymouth, Tobago. Two different mostly-uppercase alphabets in one font help to keep things loose. 'Liming'? hanging out, drinking rum, shooting the breeze...
  39. Tire Shop by Albatross, $19.95
  40. Lime Squash by Epiclinez, $18.00
    Bold, playful, and fresh - the lime squash font will make your design stand out from the rest. This fun, bold font will give your work an added creativity boost, whether for a logo, product packaging, or a headline. With its unique style that has been carefully crafted, the lime squash font is perfect for any creative project.
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